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My husband Drew stole my heart almost immediately in late 2010, and our 3 little boys Maxwell, Trey, and Cole did the same as soon as we met each of them. Most days you can find me mommin’, working on Expecting and Empowered, or podcasting (HERself podcast).

My babes have helped me find a deep passion for helping mamas stay confident and well as they enter motherhood. As I started tossing the idea of a pregnancy guide around I thought, “What better way to continue empowering mamas than to partner with my brilliant sister and make a pregnancy workout guide so that women know exactly how to take care of themselves?”

During my first pregnancy with Maxwell, I exercised up until the day he was born (literally did a leg day that morning)! I realized how strong I felt throughout pregnancy and during labor, and how fast I recovered after birth. It made me SING the praises of being active during pregnancy. I want EVERY woman to feel that way.

Two more pregnancies and recoveries are under my belt now, and they affirmed for me that our products to exactly what we say they’ll do.




sweet potato fries, workouts, hiking, vacations and LOVE.





I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 2010 with a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science with an Emphasis in Fitness. After college, I found myself in Chicago and pursued my passion for helping others by becoming a personal trainer. It was in Chicago that I started training pregnant women and decided to take the Healthy Moms Perinatal Fitness Instructor Training and Speciality Certificate course. I was a long way from becoming a mama myself, but the content really piqued my interest. 

After a couple years I decided to move to Madison for my boyfriend (later turned husband) and found myself back in school for nursing. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with a Bachelor’s in Nursing and started working in the Oncology field. I’m so grateful for the opportunity because it teaches me to be thankful for my health EVERY SINGLE DAY and also how important it is to take care of yourself. It is a combination of all of these experiences that have prepared me to dive into launching a business with my sister!