Expecting and Empowered app

Knowing that exercises and workouts that are safe during both pregnancy and postpartum can be challenging! We’ve expertly created workouts plans for every step of your motherhood journey in our Expecting and Empowered App that you can trust will help you safely and effectively progress and heal.

Will exercise lead instruction, each workout will provide a video demonstration of how to perform each exercise, and the number of repetitions. to complete. This allows you to workout at your own pace with your own music/podcast of choice!

With strength training programs all designed to last about 30 minutes, guided runs and running programs, core strengthening work and more - this app is your one-stop shop for all you’ll need to have a fit and healthy motherhood.


The Expecting and Empowered app has both monthly or yearly subscription options.




The app workouts require minimal equipment - just like our signature programs! Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells

  • Circle band

  • Resistance band + door anchor to hold it in place

  • Small exercise ball/pillow

  • Step or elevated surface

Some exercise also require the use of a chair, a table and a wall to assist with movements.

You can purchase a workout bundle that includes everything but the dumbbells here!


Build strength while growing your baby

Did you know that working out in pregnancy provides benefits to not only to you - but your baby as well?! It can help minimize common pregnancy aches and pains and build your strength for labor and delivery.

Prioritize your postpartum healing

Going through pregnancy and birth is a LOT on your body. Let us help you heal and prioritize that healing.

Elevated + Empowered

Once you finish the postpartum program - you’re ready to level up your fitness! We’ve build the perfect program to help push you towards your fitness goals.


Are you ready to return to running?

We’ve got an assessment that will test your body’s ability to safely return to running. If not - we’ve got you covered with strength training to get you there.


Strengthen your core

With an expertly created 12 Week Empower Your Core Program and a la carte workouts - we’ll get your core stronger every day.


FLow through pregnancy

24 prenatal yoga classes to help you connect with your breath and the growing life inside you. Practice grounding yourself during pregnancy while preparing your body for labor and delivery.


On top of all the amazing exercise programs, our app includes amazing add-on’s to enhance your workouts. This includes:

  • Ability to schedule your workouts for accountability.

  • Community where women that are going through what you’re going through can connect, support, and encourage each other. 

  • If you’ll be without wifi, you can pre-download core workouts or runs that you’re planning to take. 

  • Expertise and education: Amy Kiefer is a registered nurse, doula, and personal trainer. Along with her co-founder and sister Krystle Howald who is a physical therapist, they offer educational posts that will help you navigate through pregnancy and postpartum. Whether you have a question about round ligament pain or about if working out will impact your milk supply- they have the answers in this section.

Visit our app policies and terms of use here for any questions.