“I’m in my third trimester and I feel like I’m not ready to give birth!”

Are you feeling unsure about the birth process? What your body is going to go through? How to prevent tearing? How to push?! Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered!

All the tools you need in your labor toolbox in one place.

Designed with you in mind, the course has bite-sized lessons to prepare your mind, body, environment and parter for labor. Included are printable handouts that you can bring with you to your birth!

Created by Expecting and Empowered co-founders Amy Kiefer and Krystle Howald, this course combines the knowledge and professional expertise of a personal trainer, nurse, doula and a physical therapist. With a combined six births between them, both vaginal and Cesarean, they also bring their own real experiences to the course material. Together, they provide your complete roadmap to bringing your baby (or babies!) into the world.

Seriously the course helped me so much and helped protect my pelvic floor from further damages. And I only pushed for 24min instead of an hour (like my first)! The visualization of pushing out a tampon instead of poop was helpful ha! It really made a difference in having my pushes be more effective!
— Ashley, L + D Course customer


1: The Basics: This covers your support team and preparing your mind for labor and delivery.

2: Your Pelvic Floor: Your pelvic floor plays a crucial role in labor and delivery! You’ll learn how you can strengthen it now to help bring your baby into the world.

3: Prepping Your Body: Learn how to prepare your body for the demanding event that is labor.

4: The Birth Environment: After we have created strength in your team, mind, and body, we'll move into creating your perfect birth environment.

5: Let’s Meet Your Baby: And finally, let's meet your baby! We'll go through laboring positions, pain management, and pushing techniques to bring your baby into your arms and keep your body safe in the process.

AND bonus modules on diaphragmatic breathing, pain management for specific issues (prolapse, sciatica etc.), VBAC, Unplanned C-sections and scar tissue mobilization.

Purchasing the course provides you with:

You’ll receive lifetime access to the online course, in addition to digital downloads and worksheets that will help you prepare for labor AND that you can bring with as cheat sheets in your birth room. You’ll also receive access to an online community exclusive to course participants to connect with other mamas like you.