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My husband Tom and I are busy juggling our careers and family, but love parenting our three little loves. Three 3 and under is definitely a challenge that we’re excited to continue to tackle. I consider my very first baby to be my physical therapy business: Empower Movement Physical Therapy. You can see I have a thing for helping and empowering people. ;) Expecting and Empowered combined my passion for empowering mamas with the knowledge base that I’ve built up over the past 6 years of being a practicing physical therapist. As far as personal experience, I have truly enjoyed both of my pregnancies. From a working out and comfort standpoint they were VERY different journeys. 

This is when I became a true believer in our guide! During my first pregnancy with my sweet baby girl Brooke, I admit the overzealous athlete side won out OVER the smart physical therapist side. I ran until I couldn't anymore and had some fairly common pregnancy related discomforts including pubic bone pain, carpal tunnel, and trouble sleeping through the night. With our second babe Avery, I focused much more on a comprehensive approach combining flexibility, pelvic floor, and strength training. BOY, did it help! I felt no pubic pain, had no carpal tunnel, and slept comfortably each night. It was a world of difference! Our third baby Camden arrived on September 18th, 2018 and this mama has been on the go ever since.




Ice cream, mountains, hiking, anything to do with water, buying baby clothes for my sweet Babes Brooke, Avery and camden.





I was lucky to enter Marquette University with an idea of exactly what I wanted to do: become a physical therapist. After graduating MU in 2007 with a Bachelor's in Exercise Science, I headed to Regis University in Colorado for my doctorate. Regis is highly regarded for its hands on approach and manual therapy, so this was the perfect place to develop my skillset. During the last semester of school we were able to choose two electives. One of the courses I selfishly chose was a women’s health course. I say selfishly because I had no intention at the time of treating “women’s health” patients. I wanted to understand what my body would go through when someday I would hopefully become a mama. The information I learned quite frankly shocked me. In the US, the lack of information and education provided to women as they transverse through one of the most pivotal times of their lives was mind blowing.

Without proper navigation through this time, a woman can experience dramatic long term effects on her body. I had to know more, and had to help.  The American Physical Therapy Association has fantastic courses for both pelvic floor and obstetrics that I have completed. The mamas on my schedule are some of my favorite patients to see.

After working for a few large physical therapy companies, I was ready to take a leap of faith and start my business: Empower Movement Physical Therapy in Oconomowoc, WI. It was my first “baby” and helping people makes me excited to wake up each morning. Over my many years as a practicing physical therapist, I’m excited to share my knowledge and a physical therapist’s perspective on how to tackle this exercise during pregnancy thing in the safest and most effective way.