Second Trimester: Recommendations and Sample Workout


One questions Krystle and I were getting over and over again was, "Can I see a sample of the guide?"

We get it! Before you invest, it is great to know what you are GETTING! So, we've decided to do a blog post for each trimester in pregnancy. We would love if everyone knew about us from the very beginning, but realize that we'll catch some women in the second and even third trimester. 

Second Trimester Recommendations:

  • Did first trimester have you on the couch? Or, did you experience nausea so bad that the thought of exercise made you want to throw up? We're hoping things have or will turn around for you soon. Because women typically start feeling better during this trimester is it known as the "golden trimester".

  • We would recommend not wasting the "golden trimester". It is a great time to get your workouts in to prepare your body for the demands of the third trimester, labor and delivery and mom life. 

  • In the Expecting and Empowered Trimester 2 Guide, we start preparing your body for the tasks of mothering. Before you know it you'll be juggling a carseat, diaper bag and other baby items. Tasks like breastfeeding and carrying your baby also take more strength then you might be bargaining for. Proper strength training can help you avoid some of the aches and pains that many mamas experience in those demanding newborn days. 

  • This trimester E and E starts to make many modifications to the workouts. This is because of the fluctuations in pregnancy hormones and the changes that are starting to occur to your body (hello, growing baby!). 


Second Trimester Sample Expecting and Empowered Workout: 

Helpful E and E facts

Included in the guide are 3 days of flexibility, pelvic floor, and strength training. There is a lower body day, an upper body day, and a full body day for every week of your pregnancy! You can do E and E on back to back days because they focus on different muscle groups.  Aside from your 3 guided days, we recommend adding 2 days of cardiovascular training into your routine. It is up to you to figure out what days will work best for your workouts and what days are best for your 2 rest days. 

The resistance training section is repeated for 3 sets. This means 3 times top to bottom. 

For more information you can visit the blog post: Expecting and Empowered: What YOU Need to Know to START!

You can see that the header includes the trimester and the weeks you'll be doing the workout for. 

Also included is a detailed introduction, in which you will learn a ton about working out during pregnancy. At the end there is a detailed appendices, in case you aren't sure how to do one of the exercises or need more detail. 

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Ready to purchase? Here you can buy the Second Trimester here. Because you found us EARLY enough, we'd recommend buying The Complete Set

Email us with any questions!  -Amy